AS/NZS 3000: Cl, Refers to competency requirements in AS/NZS 60079.14. The relevant clause in that standard is 4.4, reproduced below:
AS/NZS 60079.14 – 4.4 The design of the installation, the selection of equipment and the erection covered by this standard shall be carried out only by persons whose training has included instruction on the various types of protection and installation practices, relevant rules and regulations and on the general principles of area classification. The competency of the person shall be relevant to the type of work to be undertaken. Appropriate continuing education or training shall be undertaken by the personnel on a regular basis. Competency may be demonstrated in accordance with AS/NZS 4761, Competencies for working with electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA), or equivalent training and assessment framework.
Without exception, persons who intend to work with EEHA are to be appropriately competent to a level that is relevant to the particular works that are being undertaken – regardless of its position in the project cycle. In essence, whether a person is involved in the design, installation or maintenance stage, they must be able to demonstrate competency to ensure utmost safety measures are ensured. It is also important to note that as standards and regulations change and the various technologies involved advance, it is expected that persons continue to educate themselves to maintain their competency levels.
At BSE Australia, we have an ongoing commitment to the development and up-skilling of our employees. Our commitment to developing our workforce offers a variety of learning opportunities, and we are dedicated to keeping our workforce above and beyond industry standards. As a result of a Sydney based hazardous area electrical engineering high performance company, we place significant emphasis on specialised training and ongoing learning and development in the workplace.